Migraine are severe and painful headaches usually on just one side (called ‘pounding’) of head. It just comes with vomiting and extreme sensitivity to light, sound and smells. Migraine has an effect of sensory disturbances. It generally affects the people aged between 15-55 years.
In extreme case it can cause severe pain for hours or even days. It’s so critical that it starts disabling patient.
Warning symptoms called aura may occur before or with the headache. Different aura’s are flashes of light, blind spot or anxiety on one side of the face or in arm or in leg.
- People having migraine can easily identify triggers (factors) that cause headache such as stress & light.
- Before start of Migraine Pain many gets a warning symptom.
- Some people prevent Migraine Pain by working on necessary condition after the warning signs.
- Some people who has critical migraine pain can take preventive medicines.
The actual cause of migraine is not yet known.
As we know that, nervous system directs the body by transferring all its data to brain and vice versa.
According to some researchers it is said that if there is some abnormal activity inside the brain it will affect the nerves, chemicals and blood vessels in the brain. Genetics also cause more sensitivity towards triggers in some case.
Some triggers which activates migraine pain are:
- Hormonal changes: Women have changing hormone levels in the period of menstruation. Thus may experience Migraine pain during menstruation period.
- Physical reasons: Some of the physical anxiety are tiredness, lack of correct posture for doing work, lack of proper sleep, shoulder or neck sprain which causes migraine.
- Emotional causes: Depression, stress, anxiety, excitement also causes migraine pain.
- Triggers in diet: Alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, cheese etc. supports triggering migraine.
- Medicines: Sleeping peels, combined contraceptive peels are also a powerful trigger for migraine.
- Environmental triggers: Smoke coming from other’s cigarette, strong deodorant smells, flickering screens, very loud noises etc. also affect triggering migraine pain.
There is no treatment possible for migraine till date however its prevention leads to better cure.
- For prevention you should change daily routine it will help to control frequency of migraine pain:
- Get enough sleep (at least 8 hours in night)
- Reduce stress and keep smiling.
- Drink plenty of water i.e. 8 litres a day.
- Some oily foods and smell contained food should be avoided.
- Do physical exercise daily.
- If the above doesn’t work please consult to doctor who will help to control symptoms and frequency of migraines and avoiding triggers.
- Course of medicine prescribed by doctor should be taken profoundly without any gap to a limited period of time.
- As different type of patients have different triggering symptoms so prescription by doctor is different.
- It is prescribed that painkiller should be taken early before the severe headache starts.
- First and the best thing to avoid migraine pain is to avoid triggers.
- Migraine warning may be noticed some hours or days earlier.
- Some are:
- Eyes, face and neck pain.
- Constipation
- Increased thirst and urination.
- Frequency of yawning increases
- Neck stiffness occurs
- Sensitivity towards light, sound, aura.
- Dizziness, light headedness can be felt.
When to see a doctor
Migraine pains are often un-diagnosed and untreated. If you regularly experience signs and symptoms of migraine attacks, keep a record of your attacks and how you treated them. Then make an appointment with your doctor to discuss your headaches and try to be on way to recommendation provided by doctors.
Even if you have a history of headaches, see your doctor if the pattern changes or your headaches suddenly feel different.
A migraine usually lasts from four to 72 hours if any medicine is not taken or remains untreated.
An Aura: Aura occurs before or during migraines. Most of the people experience migraines without aura.
Symptoms of the nervous system is aura. They are usually visual disturbances, such as flashes of light or wavy, zig-zag vision. Sometimes auras can also be touching sensations (sensory), movement (motor) or speech (verbal) disturbances. Your muscles may get weak.Each of these symptoms usually begins gradually, builds up over several minutes and lasts for 20 to 60 minutes. Examples of migraine aura include:
- Visual phenomena, such as seeing various shapes, bright spots or flashes of light
- Vision loss
- Pins and needles sensations in an arm or leg
- Weakness or numbness in the face or one side of the body
- Speaking difficulty
- Hearing noises or music
- Uncontrollable jerking or other movements
- Sometimes, a migraine with aura may be associated with limb weakness (hemiplegic migraine).
“Thus best advice to cure migraine, is to keep yourself in touch with the doctor. Try to understand the symptoms so that on time you can get medicine to prevent yourself from severe migraine pain/headache”.
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